Safety Precautions Dog Bite Injuries

on Friday, February 17, 2012

A dog owner was recently punished by law when his two pit bull mixed terriers attacked his neighbors while they were hanging outside their front lawn.

These days its usual to hear such accidents occurring in ones neighborhood. Thus theres a need for you to know how to deal with such instances.

The Luna McDaniel and Michael "Blaise" Landry Act expands the definition of negligent injuring to include injuries inflicted by a dog or another animal, and carries jail sentences of up to six months and fines of $500, according to government bill, which protects the victims.

The types of dog bite injuries of victims are:




Tissue loss and avulsion

Crush injuries

Fractured bones

Sprain / strain injuries


Infections such as rabies, cellulities, and C Canimorsus infections

You may sustain dog bite injuries on the face, neck, arms or legs. Even sustaining facial fractures are possible but its quite rare. Dog bite injuries lead to painful lacerations and puncture wounds, nerve damage, fractures, serious infections, disability, and deformity, but death can occur as well.

Contact your doctor immediately for first aid and vaccination and also to know if the dog has anti-rabies. Infections can lead to deaths. , C Canimorsus, although a very rare viral infection but it can be very dangerous, which can result to fever, malaise, myalgia, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dyspnea, confusion, headache, and skin rash.

The main concerns are usually the following:


Crush injury


Emotional injuries

The emotional traumas, especially with kids, are fear, depression, withdrawal and anger. There is also a case when you may develop post traumatic stress disorder ("PTSD"). There are doctors such as psychologists or psychiatrists who can give you medications and counseling.

You can sue the owners of the dogs to get medical expenses payment from the owner of the dog. They can be prosecuted under the old negligent homicide and injuring statutes. Under the laws, it is tantamount to criminal behavior to allow an animal out if the animal has evinced vicious propensities in the past. It is no different than waving a gun in a crowded room.
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