One of the most popular (and questionable) ways for the police to arrest suspects is to set up a sting operation. They will do this by having their officers dress up in the uniform of the street and solicit customers. Once money has changed hands, the police are within their rights to arrest the suspect and bring them into custody. Many have spoken out about the ethics and legality of these stings, but the basic principle behind them is (for now) legally sound. If you've been the subject of a sting arrest, your prostitution attorney should immediately be looking for any improper actions on the part of the police.
Breaking Up a Ring
In this method, police will turn the tables. Instead of posing as the prostitutes, they will pose as the customers in an attempt to arrest the actual hookers and pimps. While legal scholars and advocates find much less to complain about in these scenarios, there is still the risk of entrapment and arguments can certainly be made in court about the methodology. Anyone who has been arrested as a result of one of these operations should contact a good prostitution attorney and give them the facts as they are. There could be ample opportunity for acquittal or at least reduced sentencing.
Online Arrests
The Internet has changed the way the world's oldest profession does business. Instead of combing the streets or the backs of seedy magazines, customers can go online and find the escort they want. While attempts are often made to make the transaction look legal to the cops, most police organizations are wise to the lingo. No matter how clear-cut the case may look, however, a good prostitution attorney can always find an avenue for argument.
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