Will Your Personal Injury Attorney Think Your Case Is Viable

on Friday, February 8, 2013

Will Your Personal Injury Attorney Think Your Case Is Viable

Whether you have an accident in your vehicle, while you are out shopping, working at your job, or have an injured child, you may want to consult a lawyer to see if you have a case against the offending party. A personal injury attorney can look at all your information and research your case to determine whether or not you will be able to benefit both financially and emotionally from litigation.

A personal injury attorney will look at your case to decide if all the legal and financial parts are there to file a lawsuit. Often these lawsuits are settled out of court, but the research is necessary in case the defendant is not willing to come to a settlement and you don't have a choice but to take them to court.

Your attorney will look for a couple of things when researching your case. One of those things is liability. To have a case, there must be a party who is at fault for the damage or injury, so by researching your case, he will be able to determine whether or not you have liable party. This could be the owner of the property on whose floor you slipped or the owner of the other car in a car accident. In other words, the liable party will be blamed and expected to pay for any damages that their actions may have caused to you. Often the payment comes from the party's insurance company.

Not only will your attorney look into liability, but also he will look into the severity of your injury. It is important that the claim is large enough so that he feels as though it is worth the work that it will take to put together your case. If your injury is not significant and heals quickly, then you will not have a legitimate case and your attorney will dismiss it, but if it will cause permanent damage then it may be worth pursuing compensation. Your personal injury attorney will have all the information that he needs to determine your case's value.

Unfortunately, money is very important in a personal injury case because it is the money that can help heal those who have been injured. By going to court, you are actually demanding, through the use of a personal injury attorney, that the offending party pay for the injury that they caused to your loved ones. Having the plaintiff pay money in a civil case for what they have done, even though it may be accidental, is like a criminal being sentenced to prison for crimes committed. Since this all takes time and effort, your attorney will charge a fee for his service and this usually comes off the top of the winnings in court. This means that they will only take cases that they know they can win.

Because damages from pain and suffering vary by case, if you have any questions about the possibility of litigation, you should consult a personal injury attorney as he will be able to determine whether or not your case is worth the time and effort that it will take.
Ranking: 5

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